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What is the difference between 'Engineer' and 'Architect'?

What is the difference between 'Engineer' and 'Architect'?

Engineers deal with specialized fields: Structures, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, and other subspecialties like acoustics and lighting.
Architects deal with the whole building and include the design produced by each of the engineers within his overall design solution plusa few specialties that are not part of an engineer’s discipline, like roofing or non-mechanical ventilation.
Architects are responsible for all those areas in between the areas of engineers. And architects are registered to practice engineering in a limited sense. The architect knows where to draw the line between his expertise and his knowledge supplemented by an engineering professional.

An Architect- Design buildings, spaces, landscapes, places, takes care of climatology, circulation pattern, clients requirement, facade, context of the building, structural aspect (required min.), Client's economic feasibility, building material, interiors, illumination, acoustics, plan, 2d, 3d, door details, window details, chajja, grills, in and out spaces,ventilation, HVAC system, making of working drawing details (@ office), fixtures, furnishings, installation etc.
An engineer- you have to be specific, hundreds of branch are there. I guess now you can differentiate between an architect and an engineer.

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