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New Seven Wonder of the World..!!


New Seven Wonder of the World..!!

The Seven Wonders of the World are the actual symbols of global heritage and witness a high influx of tourists from different corners of the world. The seven wonders of the modern world achieved votes from over 100 million people in the year 2007. It pays when you check them out before planning your international holidays.
Seven Wonders of the World 2020
  • The Great Wall of China (China) 700 BCE.
  • Christ the Redeemer Statue (Rio de Janeiro) 1931 CE.
  • Machu Picchu (Peru) 1450 CE.
  • Chichen Itza (Mexico) 600 CE.
  • The Roman Colosseum (Rome) 80 CE.
  • Taj Mahal (Agra, India) 1643 CE.
  • Petra (Jordan) 312 BCE.
  • Great Pyramid of Giza ( Egypt) 2560 BCE.

1. The Great Wall of China (China) 700 BCE

The Great Wall of China is an extensive fortification made of stone and Earth that was built between the 5th and 16th centuries BC. It safeguarded the Chinese Empire’s borders from the Mongol Invaders. It restricted the regular invasions of Huns and Tartars by a considerable margin. Encouraging or regulating trades, Imposing transportation duties over the Silk Route, controlling emigration, and restricting passage through the borders were the primary objectives of creating the Great Wall. The Great Wall is, in reality, a creation of walls that proceed in succession and covers about 4,000 miles. This human-made structure is the largest in the world and ranks among the Seven Wonders of the World. It continues along the arc delineating the Mongolian interior in its southern edge.

2. Christ the Redeemer Statue (Rio de Janeiro) 1931 CE

The Corcovado Mountain exhibits the impressive Statue of Christ the Redeemer in its Art Deco-style. Since 1931, the statue conveys an eternal blessing to the Brazilian population. Heitor da Silva Costa had created the figure with reinforced soapstone and concrete that rises to an altitude of 130 feet. A fair share of the construction cost was borne by the citizens that raised donations worth $250,000 for building this structure. Both for Brazil and Rio, it stands as an icon of global recognition and a symbol of culture. The symbol of Christianity, it stretches up to about two-thirds of the Statue of Liberty from the base up to the torch.

3. Machu Picchu (Peru) 1450 CE

Machu Picchu was a sacred archaeological center for the inhabitants of Cusco, the capital of Inca. The 2 Andean Peaks rise to a great height as the sparkling granite of the Incan city sits firmly on them. The Incase had built their estate atop the peak of the Incan empire around 1450. However, the Spanish conquest that took place about a century later would compel them to abandon it. During the colonial period, the Spanish weren’t aware of the presence of Machu Picchu, although the inhabitants were aware of it. It also remained hidden from the outside world till it was brought to light by Hiram Bingham, the American historian in 1911. Visitors from Cusco can take a train Machu Picchu, while the others may opt for a helicopter or reach this place on foot.

4. Chichen Itza (Mexico) 600 CE

Chichen Itza ranks high among the seven wonders of the ancient world and is a significant tourist attraction. It depicts some beautiful ruins of the Mayan culture that boasts their adaptability and genius. It was between 800 and 1200 that the civilization flourished around a commercial hub that traded honey, slaves, salt, and clothing. It was also a robust economic and political platform for the entire Mayan civilization. The ruins of an astronomical observatory known as El Caracol reflect the sophistication of the Mayans. You may visit God Kukulkan’s temple at El Castillo. The Post-classic period saw the growth and prosperity of several Mexican cultures like that of the Aztecs. These races had worshipped the god Quetzalcoatl, who was closely related to Yucatec Serpent deity bearing Mayan feathers.
Square terraces help in forming the pyramid possessing stairways that move up the four sides and reach the top where the temple was built. The northern balustrade has sculptures of serpents running down the sides. The pyramid has a northwest corner that reflects the Sun’s rays on late afternoons during autumn and spring equinoxes. It creates triangular shadows that are placed serially against the balustrade in the northwest. It leaves you with the illusion that the serpent in feathers “crawls” downwards from the top of the pyramid.

5. The Roman Colosseum (Rome) 80 CE

The Roman Colosseum is undoubtedly an enduring icon for both Italy and Rome. Constructed before A.D. 80, it had been used for about 500 years. It could hold about 50,000 spectators and has an elliptical structure. Apart from a series of public spectacles, it stood witness to the history of gladiatorial events. The ruins of the Colosseum bear signs left by Earthquakes, stone robbers, execution of animals as well as the battle reenactments. However, a few specific portions are left for the tourists to visit. Several amphitheaters of modern times seek constructional ideas from its design even after 2,000 years.

6. Taj Mahal (Agra, India) 1643 CE

The Taj Mahal, the famous mausoleum built during the reign of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his Queen Mumtaz Mahal. The mausoleum stood during the period between 1631 and 1653. It houses her tomb over a complex covering 42 acres of land space that also accommodates a guest house and a mosque. A crenelated wall covers it from three sides and guards the formal gardens.
The year 1643 witnessed the completion of major Taj Mahal constructional work, although some of the remaining work continued for over ten years. A valid symbol of the Muslim art and architecture, the structure composed of white marble depicts a few multicultural styles. The influence of Turkish, Islamic, Indian, and Persian architecture is predominant both inside and outside the mausoleum. The linear reflecting pool, sunken flower beds, and elevated pathways mark the stretch of formal gardens. Book your hotel near the Taj Mahal in Agra to visit one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

7. Petra (Jordan) 312 BCE

In the year 1985, Petra became a World Heritage Site although it saw its prime between 9 B.C. and A.D. 40. During the time of King Aretas IV, the Nabataean Empire had considered Petra as its capital. The civilization boasted some of the initial experts in utilizing water chambers, designing intricate tunnels and improvising water technology. It was instrumental in developing the pseudo oasis. The amphitheater had sitting arrangements for 4,000 spectators and held on to a few fascinating structures that were carved from stone. The site owes much its fame to the El-Deir monastery.

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